
"It’s not about being able to plan every second of your birth. It’s about feeling the strength in yourself to accept the process and make the right choices for you and your new baby"

“Stop being afraid of what could go wrong and start being excited about what could go right!”

What is hypnobirthing?

Hypnobirthing is learning to release fear (which can create pain) and gain a powerful toolkit of techniques, including breathing, visualization, and self-hypnosis, to help you journey confidently through your labour.

By using self-hypnosis techniques, you, as the one in control, will be able to put yourself into an altered state of awareness during labor and remain relaxed and calm.

Hypnobirthing acknowledges the importance of the birth companion's role and gives them a specific part to play.

What makes a KG Hypnobirthing Course special is the insight it offers into how to use hypnobirthing within the medical system you find yourself in. This is extremely important as the environment you are in and the people around you can make a significant difference to your experience of giving birth.

When should I take a hypnobirthing course?

Most couples start their hypnobirthing classes between 25 and 36 weeks of pregnancy. However, the approaches used in hypnobirthing work best when practiced until they become second nature, so it’s never too early in your pregnancy to begin. The techniques will help you focus on positivity, control stress, and build confidence, which can be beneficial not only during labor but throughout your entire pregnancy.

"I strongly believe that I would not have been able to have such a wonderful birth experience, if it wasn't for the courage and confidence I gained from the hypnobirthing course"

The benefits of hypnobirthing


  • Increases the likelihood of experiencing a calm, positive, empowered labour and birth. Feeling calm and confident during labour helps your body to work as efficiently as possible and promotes the release of endorphins -which is the body’s natural anaesthetic.  This is likely to reduce the need for pain relief and possible escalation in interventions; shorten labour; reduce the risk of perineal tearing or needing an episiotomy 

  • Releases fear, anxiety and negative thought about labour and birth that may have an adverse effect on the progress of your labour

  • Builds confidence in yourself and your body’s innate ability to give birth naturally

  • Learning the physiological and psychological aspects of birth gives you a better understanding of what is happening; the impact of external factors and the ability to make informed decisions should the need arise

  • Provides tools to enable to cope with the unexpected or unwanted

  • Length of labour is often much shorter

  • The physical impact of giving birth is reduced making a quicker recovery time for you


  • Your birth partner learns how to support you and have a central and active role in the birth. A truly shared and loving experience

  • Gives them invaluable practical tools and techniques they can use to help you during pregnancy, labour, and birth  

  • Makes them feel an integral and important part of the birthing process which in turn facilitates the bonding process

  • Allows them to understand the birthing process and what is happening physically to as you labour and birth your baby

  • Gives them the knowledge to be able to make informed choices should the need arise

For Your BABY

  • Your baby will arrive to a serene and relaxed environment, alert and ready to bond with you as nature intended

  • The benefits to you are obvious, but the long term benefits to your baby cannot be over-estimated. Babies are often calmer, content and sleep really well. They seem to thrive better. It may seem miraculous but this is how hypnobirthing is designed to be

  • Less drugs and medical intervention are used in hypnobirthing births allowing your baby to develop naturally and easily after they arrive

KG Hypnobirthing was first developed by Katharine Graves in the UK.  With feedback from mothers, fathers, midwives and obstetricians the system has evolved over the past decade and has allowed a large number of parents to be able to enjoy the best birth for them.  It is accredited by The Royal College of Midwives and is being accepted as the premier UK course for professionals and parents alike.  For more information check out the KG Hypnobirthing website:​
