Frequently Asked Questions

  • Hypnobirthing offers several advantages for women during pregnancy and childbirth:

    Increased Confidence and Control: Hypnobirthing helps women feel more confident in their ability to go through labour, allowing them to feel more in control and leading to a more positive birth experience.

    Reduced Anxiety and Fear: The techniques used in hypnobirthing, such as deep relaxation, breathing exercises and positive affirmations can significantly reduce anxiety and fears related to pregnancy and childbirth. This reduction in fear can lead to lower perceptions of pain during labour and potentially result in a shorter labour.

    Promotes Positive Mental Health: By fostering a sense of calm and control, hypnobirthing can promote positive mental health and boost self-confidence, not only during labour but also after birth.

    Support from Healthcare Guidelines: The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) states that women who choose to use hypnosis during childbirth should be supported in doing so, reflecting a recognition of its potential benefits.

    Evidence of Pain Reduction: Reviews of the evidence suggest that hypnosis might help reduce the pain of labour. Importantly, it does not seem to have any adverse effects on outcomes, making it a safe option for managing labour pain.

    Overall, hypnobirthing can contribute to a more positive and empowering childbirth experience, reducing stress and anxiety and promoting overall well-being during and after labour.

  • The main disadvantage given for hypnobirthing is thatthere may be a gap between your expectations and the actual birth experience, potentially leading to disappointment if hypnobirthing techniques don’t work as hoped. In my courses we look at the unexpected turns labour and birth can take and how hypnobirthing techniques can support you to make informed decisions that are right for you and for your baby.

    Learning hypnobirthing techniques during pregnancy requires time and regular practice. But, 15 - 20 minutes as you go to bed is a lovely way to connect with your baby at the end of a busy day.

    Women who use self-hypnosis techniques may seem so relaxed that health care professionals could underestimate their progression of labour. But by explaining you are using hypnobirthing techniques with your caregivers, putting it in your birth proposal choosing caregivers who can support you with a hypnobirth certainly helps!

    There is very little research on the feelings and experiences of birth partners when hypnobirthing is used. Speaking with my clients they are positive and very clear about their role in labour and birth and appreciate that they are integral to the birth experience.

  • Yes, hypnobirthing is generally considered safe. Things to:

    Awareness and Control: Despite the name, hypnobirthing does not involve being in a trance or falling asleep. Instead, you remain fully aware and in control, able to respond to your body's needs and any medical advice.

    Relaxation and Comfort: The main goal of hypnobirthing is to promote relaxation and reduce fear and tension, which can contribute to a more comfortable birthing experience.

    Non-Invasive: Hypnobirthing is a non-invasive method and does not involve medications or medical interventions, making it a natural approach to childbirth.

    Preparation: It includes learning techniques and practicing them before labour begins. This preparation helps build confidence and reduce anxiety about the birthing process.

    No Prevention of Complications: It's important to note that while hypnobirthing can help manage pain and stress, it does not prevent medical complications. It's essential to have a birth plan that includes medical care and interventions if necessary.

    Complementary Approach: Hypnobirthing can be used alongside other pain management methods and medical interventions. It’s not meant to replace conventional medical care but to complement it.

    Consult Your Caregivers: Always discuss your birth plan and the use of hypnobirthing techniques with your caregivers to ensure it aligns with your overall medical care.

    Overall, hypnobirthing can be a safe and effective method for those looking to manage labour pain and anxiety naturally. However, being prepared for various scenarios and having open communication with your healthcare team is crucial. And this is covered in a hypnobirthing course with Simply Hypnobirth.

  • If possible it is ideal to have your birth partner attend as they have such an important role in supporting you during labour and acting as your advocate. If it’s not possible or you do not have a birth partner you will still find the course invaluable.

  • I have been a childbirth educator for 14 years and have an up to date knowledge of the maternity system in Belgium. This insight means I can offer tips and tricks to help you navigate pregnancy and birth confidently. It is important to me you understand how to work with your body rather than against it and you work with your caregivers to have the best birth experience for you and your baby. My course is full of information from the latest medical research and studies. The hypnobirthing techniques are simple and logical, you don’t want anything complicated to remember during labour!

  • Full KG Hypnobirthing and antenatal course over 10 - 12 hours

    Course pack and MP3s

    A copy of the KG Hypnobirthing book by Katherine Graves

    Continued telephone/email support once you’ve finished the course

    Hypnobirthing techniques, including breathing and visualisations to help you release any fear and anxiety

    Includes information from latest research and studies

  • You may have seen shorter hypnobirthing courses on offer but the 12 hours is necessary to give you the wealth of information you need and to be able to have plenty of time for questions and discussion. The course can be broken up in any way to suit your schedule.

  • A full hypnobirthing course with Simply Hypnobirth is a complete and comprehensive childbirth education designed to provide you with the best possible education and preparation for labour and birth. While other classes can vary (and hypnobirthing classes are offered by some hospitals and independent midwives) most parents report that they focus more on the medical aspects and what to expect from active management of labour and birth.

    Some parents choose to take the prenatal courses offered by their hospital independent midwife or other organisations in addition to a hypnobirthing course. It’s up to you. My ‘Hypnobirthing Essentials’ session is designed as an ‘hypnobirthing’ adjunct if you have already taken an antenatal class with another organisation.

    I would strongly encourage you to take a tour of the hospital or birth center you plan on birthing in.

  • Cancel 2 weeks before your class: full refund

    Cancel 1 week before your class: 50% refund

    Within 48 hours of your class: no refund